Commercial consultancy

Commercial consultancy

ESNAAD business solutions provides superior business solutions to clients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Integrated Leadership Office always emphasizes the optimal commercial application for the projects that we supervise. The Office of Integrated Leadership also adopts a distinguished methodology in business consulting that helps owners of companies and institutions to develop and expand their business.

The services provided by the Business Consulting Division seek to support the Business Advising Division but also serve small businesses in the region.

This is done by understanding the needs, expectations and concerns of customers and by analyzing, developing and delivering comprehensive solutions on time in a clear and logical manner, putting customers on the right path of communication with the people who matter to the customer.
Our services include incorporation plans for companies as well as helping existing and completed companies prepare for the next stage of growth.

Our main areas of service in business consulting include:

  • Business expansion services and market targeting.
  • Develop and develop marketing plans.
  • Brand development.
  • Restructuring companies with what is commensurate with their current and future status.